
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pakistani wedding(Jewellery)

If there is anything that us Pakistani's can do better than anyone in the world, its got to be weddings:)
I totally LOVE shopping for a wedding.All that color and glitter and beautiful stuff just speaks to the girly girl hidden inside me ;)
My brother is getting married in a few months so these days i am all about wedding shopping.In that spirit i am going to do a series of posts on wedding stuff (like jewelery,clothes,shoes,mehandi etc).I also wanted to do one about locations and event organizers and beauty salons but that will be too location specific.
Today's post is going to be all about jewelery.Weddings call for heavy accessories.As not many people wear gold these days due to limitations of money and design. artificial jewelery market in Pakistan is thriving.These days Kundan stuff is all the rage.
If you know where to shop , there is something for everyone.Something simple as a necklace and earings can totally transform your look :)

You can get stuff for all occasions like mehandi etc.The color of the stones matching your particular outfit.

Prices for artificial jewelery range from 500 to 2000- 3000 Pkr.Depends on what you are looking for and how ornate it is.It also depends on location as well.Better to buy it from places like tariq road , saddar , gulf market, where you can get your moneys worth :)

Bangles and bracelets are another way you can spice up your look without too much effort.There are new and old both kind of designs available in the market.I personally prefer the more traditional take in jewelery design.

Than there is silver jewelery that has been gold plated. This is more expensive as compared to other types.Going for anywhere from 10,000 to 15000 pkr for a full set.

Hair accessories,rings,ornate pins to hold your dupatta in place ;)

Hope you liked this post.I wanted to list prices below each item but i cant seem to remember what everything cost :) As always feel free to comment if you have any questions.I am no expert but i will  share my experiences with you:)
Till next time.......


  1. Nice collection :) <3 thanks for sharing

  2. Very nice jewelery specially the one in Swan form :)


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